Friday, October 28, 2011

Die2Nite Construction Yard Tips

I've only played in 3 towns, this is my fourth, but for anyone else as new as  me I'll just say that:

-In general, you don't really need to work on converting stuff until we need  it as it is better to spend your AP gathering or on construction.

-If there is a hacksaw in the bank, take that first then convert stuff since  it will cost 1 AP less. Be sure to put it back after though.

-Try not to convert stuff backwards. This means that unless you know what  you are making, it is best not to convert things in the workshop.

-If you really are afraid to leave town and want to contribute your AP, work  on the suggested construction. If there is no construction then convert  Scrap Metal and Rotting Logs.  Try not to work on the Pump during the first 4-5 days as making it too early just tempts people into taking extra water rations which causes the town to dehydrate faster.

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