Friday, October 28, 2011

Die2Nite Construction Yard Tips

I've only played in 3 towns, this is my fourth, but for anyone else as new as  me I'll just say that:

-In general, you don't really need to work on converting stuff until we need  it as it is better to spend your AP gathering or on construction.

-If there is a hacksaw in the bank, take that first then convert stuff since  it will cost 1 AP less. Be sure to put it back after though.

-Try not to convert stuff backwards. This means that unless you know what  you are making, it is best not to convert things in the workshop.

-If you really are afraid to leave town and want to contribute your AP, work  on the suggested construction. If there is no construction then convert  Scrap Metal and Rotting Logs.  Try not to work on the Pump during the first 4-5 days as making it too early just tempts people into taking extra water rations which causes the town to dehydrate faster.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Edgeworld Maar Lv50 Tutorial

So my next video is ready..

This shows how to get massive xp from the Maar Lv 50 base. As can be seen from this video, all you really need is Specters. You can repeat this every 5 minutes for super fast leveling!

The music is an altered repetitive theme of 'All Along the Watchtowers' because I feel that this mission is you taking out those watchtowers... and the repetition is the feeling you'll get after doing this mission as many times as you heard the repetition. Get used to it, you'll be doing this mission for a long long time.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Die2Nite Tips

If you're a first time player then the following tips might prove useful:

1) Read the help files.
2) Click the forum button every other minute that you are playing this game.

The main things I would highlight are that you should drop found items  (except those you plan to use during the trip) as you are heading away from  town. You should only be picking up items as you are moving towards town.  Your rucksack has limited space for items. If you fill it with items while  going away from town, you will reach a point where no more can fit in it.  You will be forced to drop some of the items on the ground. The problem is,  you can be really far away from town when this happens. If you had left them  on the ground earlier, they would be lying much closer to town, allowing  other scavengers to bring them in (and use less action points to do it).

The HACKSAW is the most important item in the game.

Scan the watchtower every day. It helps estimate the number of zombies that  will be attacking that night and doesn't cost any AP. In fact this should be  the second thing you do after logging into the game every day. (The first  being to hit the FORUM button to check the town forum.)

Make use of markers, the global map and an external mapping application. I  recomend External Map for starters and then moving on to From Dusk till Dawn  once you are more used to the game. To use these, you need to go to "Your  Soul" click the "Settings" tab and check the box next to "Authorise External  Applications". Once you have done that, click the 'Directory' that is  located in the upper left of the sctreen and have fun experimenting with the  external apps. Do not forget to update these external maps EVERY time you  move as well as just before you move.

There is no need to eat every day. In fact there is no need to eat, you  cannot die from starvation. The main use of eating foood is to restore you  to 6 AP ONCE each day. It is suggested that first time players not eat thier  food on day 1 and instead save it for day 2 when more of the map can be seen  and expeditions planned to buildings further from town.

Never eat or drink unless your AP is at 0. Food and drink restore you to 6  AP, (7 for super foods) so any APs you had before eating or drinking are  wasted. Just like eating, there is no need to drink every day but you need  to drink at least every other day and since you can get 1 ration a day from  the well, it's best to drink each day and spend the 12 APs. Staying thirsty  is a tactic for those who know what they are doing.

Never flee from Zombies! You will ALWAYS get WOUNDED which leads to an  INFECTION and eventually DEATH. Wounds and infections are hard to cure  because the bandages and drugs needed to heal you are hard to come by.  Trapped in a zone with Zombies? Ask for help on the forums if you are  trapped outside.

... which of course leads me to re-iterate: Read the town forum every other  minute that you are playing this game.

This game isn't really about the APs or the killing of Zombies. It is about  working together to survive as long as possible, and this is best done via  the town forums.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Edgeworld Tips and Tricks

For the newer folk, or those who missed the earlier posts a few tips for playing:-

1) Best way to level is to attack the PvE bases. For pure xp, the Lv 50 Maar Confederacy (BLUE) base is an easy way to get xp once you have Spectres. Just put 2 to 5 on each of the NW and SE sides to kill those turrest that cannot reach you and retreat before the guns at the side attack you.

2) To get Uranium, attack the Lv 19 and 50 Helio (GREEN) bases. Target the mines and RETREAT before casualties become too high.

3) Each NPC base takes 5 minutes to regenerate... so wait 5 minutes and attack them again!

4) Once you are out of protection, it is best to surround your command centre with your Storage Tanks and your turrets. Put the other buildings outside that. Scout my base for an example. This will make it harder for enemies to get resources from you.

5) Check the Alliance log, using that you can find many more targets. Be sure to scout everyone who has been attacked ONCE by our alliance in the last 5 minutes, their CC or other building might be exposed to easy Specter attacks or even a full attack. If an enemy has been attacked TWICE by the same person, that player probably has 30 minute protection.

6) My Video showing how to take out the Lv7 Maar Base (at Lv 3):-

7) Video showing how to take down the Lv 50 Helio Base:-

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Deep Realms Guide

Found this on bbgsite .. but it was not complete.. so I'm leaving it here to update it.


Vampire Bat
Hit Points:8
Move 1:Bite/ Damage:2/ Type:Melee
Move 2:Hypnotic Eye/ Damage:1/ Effect:Confuse/ Type:Magic

Dark Accipiter
Hit Points:9
Move 1:Swoop Attack/ Damage:4/ Type:Melee
Move 2:Hawk Strike/ Damage:2/ Type:Melee
Weaknesses:?/ Resistances:Melee, Magic

Muren Bombardier
Hit Points:8
Move 1:Sword/ Damage:2/ Type:Melee
Move 2:Fire Bomb/ Damage:2/ Effect:Fire/ Type:Range
Weaknesses:? / Resistances:? 10xp per.

Muren Elite
Hit Points:18
Move 1:Big Sword / Damage:3/ Type:Melee
Move 2:Tail Whip/ Damage:2/ Effect:Confuse/ Type: Ranged
Weaknesses:?/ Resistances:Range

Muren Trapper
Hit Points:15
Move 1:Spear/ Damage:3/ Type:Melee
Move 2:Dirty Net/ Damage:3/ Effect:Trapped/ Type:Range
Weaknesses:?/ Resistances:Melee

Muren Ice Trapper
Hit Points:15
Move 1:Spear/ Damage:3/ Type:Melee
Move 2:Ice Dart/ Damage:3/ Effect:Ice/ Type:Range
Weaknesses:?/ Resistances:Melee

Muren Hunter
Hit Points:26
Move 1:Ice Pick/ Damage:4/ Type:Melee
Move 2:Tail Whip/ Damage:1/ Effect:Confuse/ Type:Range
Weaknesses:?/ Resistances:Range

The Hermit
Hit Points:22
Move 1:Thrown Rock/ Damage:8/ Type:Range
Move 2:Indignation/ Effect:Indignant/ Type:Buff
Move 3:Cold Blast / Damage:1/ Effect:Freeze/ Type:Magic
Weaknesses:?/ Resistances:Melee, Magic

Ice Spider
Hit Points:16
Move 1:Ice Bite/ Damage:3/ Effect:Ice/ Type:Melee
Move 2:Ice Web/ Damage:?/ Effect:Ice Web/ Type:?
Weaknesses:Melee / Resistances:Range

Snow Beast
Hit Points:22
Move 1:Frost Bite/ Damage:6/ Type:Melee
Resistances:?/ Weaknesses:Magic

Croc Hollow:
Cave Croc
Map:Homestead & Croc Hollow
Move 1:Chomp/ Damage:6/Type:Melee


Sergeant Skratch:
Hit Points: 60

Hit Points: 500

Risen Dead
Hit Points: 28
Move 1: Undead Sword/ Damage:6/ Type:Melee
Move 2: Hex/ Damage:?/ Effect:?/ Type:Magic

Risen Archer
Hit Points: 28
Move 1: Undead Bow/ Damage: 6/ Type: Ranged
Move 2: Hex/ Damage: 3/ Effect: Confuse/ Type:Magic

Vampire Bat
Hit Points: 8
Move 1: Bite / Damage: ?/ Type: Melee
Move 2: Hypnotic Eye / Damage: 0/ Effect: Confuse/ Type: Magic
Enemy Information: 1)Strong against Hand 2)Weak against Magic

Hit Points: 7
Move 1: Throwing Knife/ Damage: ?/ Type: Ranged
Move 2: Sword / Damage: 2/ Type: Melee
Enemy Information: nil, 6xp per.

Monster Template
Hit Points: ?
Move 1: ?/ Damage: ?/ Type: ?
Move 2: ?/ Damage: ?/ Effect: ?/ Type:?
Enemy Information: 1)? 2)? 3)?